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Altadena residents protest against displacement post wildfires – NBC Los Angeles

As Altadena recovers from the devastating Eaton Fire, residents are reassuring their community they will not be displaced.

In a rallying cry to preserve the city’s legacy, several dozen protestors gathered Sunday at the intersection of Woodbury and Lincoln, to send a clear message: Altadena is not for sale.

“We don’t need anyone to come in and buy our homes, we just want to rebuild and get back into our properties,” said Maria Sanchez, who lives in Altadena.

After the Eaton Fire ravaged their community, Altadena homeowners are determined to restore what was lost.

“My husband’s family bought in the 70s, before the 70s, so they are one of the early African American families that were able to buy when they couldn’t buy in other areas, part of what we love about this neighborhood is how diverse it is, our kids are ethnically culturally mixed, and so this is a community where there’s a long history of diversity,” said Maria Martinez.

The mission of the group “Altadena Not For Sale” is to help the under and noninsured stay in Altadena by providing support and resources.

Altadenans have been here for generations, and they shared their generational wealth with each other. And the way to have wealth is with property, and we’re afraid that if they sell their land, they’re going to lose their wealth,” said Melissa Michelson, Altadena Not For Sale Organizer.

Many are worried investors may be trying to take advantage of them – their main concern is making sure large developers don’t come in and build large-scale residential projects that are not aligned with the charm and character of Altadena.

“We were getting phone calls almost right away, but we were advised by a lawyer to remind them that it is against the law,” said Sanchez. “Do you know if you are going to rebuild, do you want to rebuild’, and when I would answer they would be ‘oh you don’t need to go through the hassle you can just sell and buy yourself a new home.'”

The group is facilitating ways to work with contractors who will restore the historic architectural style of Altadena while also helping to protect the community for future generations.

“Don’t give up, you’re not alone and we’re not for sale,” said Sanchez.

Apart from resources and support, the group is selling “Altadena Not For Sale” merchandise, all proceeds will go towards making these lawn signs to distribute around the community of Altadena.


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